New 35 Cubic Foot Working Capacity Stainless Steel Double Ribbon Blender

Category: Mixers  —  Ribbon

New 35 Cubic Foot Stainless Steel Double Ribbon Blender
Features: 304 Stainless Steel Construction, Capacity approx. 1400 Litres (1000L working).
Mix efficiency is 75%. Max Loading Capacity: approx. 500Kg (depending on product)
Safety grates, safety limit switches (prevents operation when grates are raised).
Direct type reducer drive, solid shafts, safety limit switches (prevents operation when grates are raised).
Easy to clean and maintain (manual discharge)
Electrics: 10HP Motor, 3 Phase / 60 Hertz / 230Volts,
*Motor and Controller: UL listed Drive & ABB Controller VFD
Delivery Time: Approx. 1-2 weeks (in stock) from payment.

USA / Canada

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